Group Resources

    1. Links and Suggestions to Support Our Group

    1. Start Here * Setting Up Your Kathara Body

    2. LAW OF ONE Setting Your Foundation of Ethics

    3. Review of the 12 D Shield and How to Create It

    4. Visual of Difference Between 24D Star and 48D Star (strands) from "Secrets of the Indigos" book.

    1. Voyagers 1 The Sleeping Abductees Live Read (Videos and downloadable audios)

    1. Voyagers 2 pt. 1

    2. Voyagers 2 pt. 2

    3. Voyagers 2 pt. 3

    4. Voyagers 2 pt. 4

    5. Voyagers 2 pt. 5

    6. Voyagers 2 pt. 6

    7. Voyagers 2 pt. 7

About this course

  • $33.00 / month
  • 13 lessons
  • 13 hours of video content

Flame Holders Core Group

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