What is the Course & How to Use the Course

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Set Yourself Free

Welcome to the seals and implants intensive. This is a step-by-step walkthrough through of all of the 15 dimensional layers of your light body within this 15D time matrix. This course will take you through all of the different types of of seals and implants that have been superimposed upon our angelic human template throughout the different historical timelines. This intensive is a walkthrough that can be done live or at your own pace, giving you all of the tools to innerstand what these different implants and seals are, and the clearing techniques to begin to clear them and remove them permanently and irrevocably from your crystalline template. This is a core process to prepare for activating your RashaLA (light) body and facilitating your continual activation as a flame holder.

Course curriculum

    1. Start Here * Setting Up Your Kathara Body

    2. LAW OF ONE Setting Your Foundation of Ethics

    3. Review of the 12 D Shield and How to Create It

    4. Outline of Maharic Shield (12D) from Keylonta

    5. Creating a Declaration and working with Higher Self

    6. Visual of Difference Between 24D Star and 48D Star (strands) from "Secrets of the Indigos" book.

    7. How to Upgrade your 12D Shield to 48D

    8. 48D Shield Meditation

    9. Ec Ka Sha Activation (Intend this Code into your Upgraded 48D Shield)

    10. Activating Core Star and Clearing Seed of Contention

    11. Elemental Command Activation * Clearing Rooms

    12. Connecting to Your Phim Families

    1. Walkthrough For Setting Up Session Space

    2. Krystal River Prayer pdf

    3. Safe Transit Portal Bardo Chamber of Light

    4. Activation Process *Emerald Amethyst Awakening

    1. Mindslides, Holographic Inserts and False Memories

    2. Shadow Dancers and Elemental Attachments

    3. Glossary of Terms

    4. Links and Suggestions to Support this Course

    5. Types of Seals

    6. 12*24*48 D, what is building our Kryst Star? and What are Corrupted Files in our DNA

    1. What are Seals and Implants and How to Clear Them (class)

    2. Meditation* Anchoring Base Chakras for Rasha Body

    1. Preparation for Class One * Ec Ka Sha Activation (Intend this Code into your Upgraded 48D Shield)

    2. Activating Core Star and Clearing Seed of Contention

    3. Clearing the 12D Field and Metatronic Reversals (class)

    4. Clearing Metatronic Reversals PDF Walkthrough

    5. Meditation & Clearing *Metatronic Reversals & 12D

    6. Blank Metatronic Seals Chart (PDF)

About this course

  • $180.00
  • 56 lessons
  • 22 hours of video content

Seals & Implants Intensive

A comprehensive walkthrough of the Seals and Implants blocking our Divine Crystalline Template, and the steps and processes for clearing them from your 15D Light Body. Here is some of what we will be identifying and clearing.

  • Jehovian Seals and the 24 Elders before th Throne Fallen Angelic Jehovian Annu Elohim/Annunaki Nibiruan council of 24 NDC Grid Programs

  • Crucifixion, Crown of Thorns, Victim Victimizer and Misery Programs

  • Biods, Shadow Dancers, Buddhara's, Phantom System Technologies, False Light and Blue Sword of Death Implants

  • Templar and Axiom Seals, Death Seed Programs, 666 Seals, Metatron's Eye and the 4 Black Hearts

  • SSP, Draconian, Leviathan, Nephilim, Zeta and Seals and Tags.

  • Bloodline traumas, breeder programs, Lemurian and Atlantean Holocaust traumas, and the many Galactic Wars.

It's time for you to have all the light of your starfire back!

It is time for you to be sovereign and free! Even though the topics may seem heavy to think about, the path to your freedom is love. Are you ready to remember?